
Corner view: Europa

There was something difficult about the thema this week. Europa. How one can now show Europa when Europa is trembling....
The picture is from Tiziano, the Rape of Europa.
How do you see it?
Asteko tema zail samar egin zait. Batit bat egunkarian eta telebistan Europa nola sutan dagoen ikusita.  Nola agertasazi Europa. 
Kuadroa Tizianorena da. Mitologia.
Es difícil abordar el tema de esta semana, cuando Europa está temblando. Cómo describirla.
¿Cómo lo haríais?

8 comentarios:

  1. I hope this is not reality... I hope...

  2. I hope that even with difficulties we will endure with this vision. The thought of going back is more scary than that of going forward, at least from here!

  3. Me parece que está muy bien expresado. Yo aporto otro cuadro, este de Monet http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-YrY79mDuDWI/Tb6NtDy4pLI/AAAAAAAAANg/fMzNVOhhspU/s1600/venice.jpg

  4. i cannot but agree with :) and gis.

  5. i think i see europe the way the title says it.
    i believe to join up, one needs to suffer.
    it is yin and it is yang, i think.
    strange workings...

  6. It is certainly a tumultuous time for Europe right now. Economic conditions are so bad for many people and fearful people often tend to become angry and to turn on the wrong people to blame for their woes - the scapegoating of immigrants (particularly brown-skinned immigrants) is very disturbing and I dearly hope that something is done to defuse these rising tensions before they get out of control.

  7. i think for europe it is time to really come together and not make a mash!
    but the euro may leaf!! since the euro ( the money)is there, i think it went downhill, here in holland things went from 2 gulden to too 2 euro ( what is twice as much)!

  8. Great choice! To interpret painting and love to dig in the technial details of the artists. Spot paintingafrican are one of my favorite techniques and it a great way to illustrate the dramatik emotions in the painting. I do not hope we're facing that Europe is being swept away. Thank you for sharing your topic and have a beautiful weekend, best Mette


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