
Liebster blog: So thanked!

Some days ago, my friend Sophia, awarded my blog. I cannot find the worlds for so kind prize.
I have been quite busy so I have been late to give my award to five more blogs.

It is not easy, just because I have found friends more than readers.

Here is my 5 awarded blogs and why:

  • Beruta: love the little word she was developed around her ladies
  • Victoria: just because I find the simple word of her fascinating
  • Leire: creativity from so near living a bit far away
  • Ötli: and universe travelling from east to west and from reality to fiction
  • Estibaliz: just because I love the coast she shares with an universe of artful pictures

Hope you like them.

Promise to write soon. Have lot of photos to share.


Corner view: animals


Grey sunday

First of all thanks so much for your sweet words. You are so kind....
Lehenik eta behin, mila esker hor egoteagatik eta zuen hitzengatik...
Muchas gracias por vuestras palabras, por estar ahí....

First photos are of my little "garden". Aromatic flowers that are growing high,a bit of colour inside and an aloe vera that is a bit weak. Next are wild beautiuful flowers that in grey sundays seem more beautiful.
Lehen argazkietan lehioko landareak ikusten dira. Kolore apur bat barnekaldean eta usaia kanpokaldean. Urrengoak mendiko loreak dira, non igande grisetan oraindik politagoak dirudite
Las primeras son de las plantas de mi ventana, aromáticas fuera, un poco de color dentro y un aloe vera que sobrevive a duras penas. El resto, de un paseo por el campo donde el gris del día pierde su color...

My mum has made me some winter socks...I am delighted with them. And with my new sandals. 
Amak galtzetinak egin dizkit negurako. Eta udarako...sandalia berriak.
Mi madre me ha hecho unos cuantos calcetines para invierno...con la excusa de que no se le olvidara cómo se tejen. Y yo me he comprado sandalias nuevas para verano...

Washi tape experiments. I fell too.

And I received a little purse from Kristina. She made beautiful bags, purses in lovely and vivid colours. I recomend you to take a look in her blog and shop. Sure you find something beautiful to buy for yourselves.

How is going your sunday?
Hope a great week...mine will be strange.


Corner view: Imagine

Imagine, how simple and beautiful a flower can be. How easy is to find beauty in a rose.
Imagine, life being so easy and simple.
Pentsa nolako edertasuna dagoen hain gauza erraz eta simple batean. Nolako erreza den edertasun hori larrosa batean topatzea. 
Pentsa bizitza halako erreza eta simplea balitz.
Imagina que sencilla y preciosa puede ser una flor. Qué fácil encontramos la belleza en una rosa.
Imagina una vida sencilla y fácil.

Imagine. Life as a huge horizon. 
Irudikatu bizitza zeozer izugarria bezala.
Imagina la vida como un horizonte enorme por descubrir.

Today life has another sence to me. A close-friend has told as she has leukemia. How can I imagine today something? When reallity is so real.
Baina gaur bizitzak beste sentzu bat hartu dut. Laguna batek leuzemia duela esan digu. Nola imagina dezaket  gaur nik ezer? Errealitate soilak....
Pero la vida me ha mostrado hoy otra cara. Una amiga nos ha contado que tiene leucemia. ¿ Cómo puedo hoy imaginar algo? Cuando la realidad resulta tan...abrumadora.