

I have been taking some photos to a friend. Mother soon. First photos with people. It was no easy to make her smile, was nervous and me too. Not used to people. Not so direct.
As I lost my corner...here a little mother detail.
Lagun bati argazkiak ateratzen egon nintzen. Ama izango da laister. Pertsonekin lehen esperientziak. Ez zen erreza izan barre erastea, urduri zegoen eta ni be. Ez nago pertsonetara ohitua. Ez hain zuzen...ez nagusiak behintzat.
Corner-ra galdu nuenez, hemen dihoa nire ama detaile txikia.
Mis primeras fotos con gente. Ensayando con una amiga que será pronto madre. No fue fácil hacerla sonreir, estaba nerviosa, y yo también. No estoy acostumbrada a las personas, no a las mayores.
Como me perdí mi corner, ahí va un pequeño detaile maternal.

Now I have to "improve the photos", any tips. I am not photoshop girl, I use photoscape....another ones?

10 comentarios:

  1. Nice! I too a photo similiar to this one. I made the photo black & white and softened the background focusing on the hands in shape of heart. The gal loved it. xo

  2. this is very nice :)

  3. baby bellies are so stunning. I can imagine this picture in black and white too very well, like Joyce said.

  4. I actually love the skin toning here. I'd probably just change the hue a bit.

    (I am the proud owner of a copy of Photoshop Elements 10, but still a newby. Got myself some books on the subject from the library, to get me started.)


  5. dear friend,
    your letter reminded me of many things that i thought i had forgotten
    we are never too old to remember and to learn
    i just want to remind you that sometimes you have to accept yourself and the limits of your strength. Do not go further unless you are determined to succeed something miraculous.

  6. i don't know about photoscape, but they're might be a enhancer button on it? most photo programs have one. it immediately gives you a more contrasted picture, which usually does the trick.
    but i'd suggest to just fiddle about with the programm. this is actually how i learnt handling photoshop! i wish you alot of succes and patience, you'll get there.

  7. No hay nada mejor! Gracias querida Ibabe por tus visitas y tus palabras, un besito muy fuerte!


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