
Summer changes

Summer is being a bit strange. At the end of july I received a good job offer and left my last job. This new one is out of where I live, so after nearly 8 years walking or riding work, I had to buy a car, and start driving again. Job looks great, will tell some months later, but all changes involve both fear and happiness.
July was grey and August is being, sunny hot and cloudy...in the same proportion.
The mother of a good friend is at hospital for a severe injury and I have being helping taking care of the dog, his nephew, being a bit the listener, the outside voice, so...little time for write, read or so.
Next monday I start to work again...hope to start organizing my new way of life and keep in contact with all of you....have missed a lot.

Uda arraroa aurkitu dut. Lanez aldatu nintzen hilabetearen amaierarekin, eta 8 urtez oinez edo bizikletan lanera joan ta gero, Bilboko bidea ikasi beharrean sentitu naiz...oraingoan kotxe berriarekin. Lanak itzura ona du, baina denbora pasa hala esan beharreko puntua da.
Abuztuak grisak, hotzak, eguzkiak eta beroak izan ditu, buruak izan dituen modu berdinean...nahaztuak.
Lagun baten ama hospitalean dabil eta laguntzen ibili naiz, txakurrarekin, hilabarekin, entzuten...azken finean uda arraroa izan da. Ez diat ezertarako denborarik izan...eta faltan bota zaituztet.

El verano ha sido raro. Cambié de trabajo cuando cambié de mes. Después de 8 años caminando o yendo en bici a trabajar, se me plantea el reto de coger un coche todos los días para cambiar de ciudad. Nuevos hábitos, nuevos horarios, nuevo...todo.
Agosto está revuelto, como yo...sin saber si hoy quiere sol o frío.
Lamadre de un buen amigo está en el hospital, por lo que ayudarle ha transformado un poco mi verano. Paseos con el perro, juegos con su sobrina....escuchar, animar, estar ahí.
El lunes empiezo a trabajar...y espero poder ir habituandome a todo y tener tiempo de seguir visitandoos...os echo de menos.

15 comentarios:

  1. I missed you too and hope happiness will be stronger than fear and that your friend's mother will be fine.

  2. This new job is a good news ... good luck with this new challenge !! I was in Bayonne, St Jean de Luz few days ago but with my in law family so I could not really escape for a blog meeting ... next year may be !!

  3. Compartimos ciudad y estar empezando algo nuevo...¡suerte en tu nueva etapa!

  4. Good for you! I am so glad you were able to change your job to one you like better. (And I as well am having trouble finding the time to blog, now that I'm back to work again.)

    I hope your friend's mother will be better soon. I'm glad you are there to help!

  5. I hope that the new job works out well! As you say change is scary - that's why I've been in the same job for years - just as well it's always changing.

    I am dog sitting too - but just because my friend is on holiday - he will leave tomorrow - it's funny having to go out 3 times a day to walk him.

  6. Hhhmmmm cambios... Interesante :)
    yo me muero por los cambios,estoy harta ya de tanta comodidad cotidiana y tedio a veces...
    Espero que haya sido un cambio para bien y que te siente de maravilla! Muchos besos

  7. Good luck with your new job. Also, sorry about your friend. xo

  8. Ánimo Ibb que seguro que te acostumbras pronto al cambio. Lo de coger el coche es un poco pena... yo antes también estaba a 5 min andando y ahora cojo el coche todos los días pero como me gusta conducir no me importa. Un beso

  9. ey!!! si vienes por madrid pástae por la tienda!!! el lunes estaré de 5 a 9 seguro (toca el timbre : )

  10. congratulation with your new job ... hope your friend's mother get well soon.

  11. Hi, congratulations with your new job! Look forward to hearing more about it. Too bad about the car, but I guess you'll have to excercise after work..

  12. So your new job? Hope it gone well, thinking of you...Gracias por tus visitas, beijinhos:)

  13. Mucha suerte en tu nueva vida!!


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