
Corner view: Positive thought for bad moments

Positive thought for bad moments? Quite difficult question.
Pentsamendu positiboak momentu txarretarako? Galdera zaila.
Pensamientos positivos para momentos malos? Pregunta difícil.

A friend of mine once gave me a good advise: Just make it simple.
Lagun on batek behin esan zidan: Erraztu dana.
Un buen amigo una vez me dijo: Hazlo fácil.

And with time I have learnt to enjoy little details.
Eta denborarekin detaile txikietaz gozatzen ikasi diat.
Y con el tiempo he aprendido a disfrutar de los pequeños detalles.

Photos: First one: Mine. A friends daughter. Love her smile.
Second one: From pinterest. Thinking about a little tattoo just to remind me that I survived
Thirth one: From Ferm Living Catalogue.


49 comentarios:

  1. Tienes razón, siempre hay que relativizar y sacar lo positivo de la vida, como esa foto tan bonita que has hecho de esa niña!

  2. ¡Ánimo! Las cosas buenas a veces parece que están un poco más escondidas pero siguen estando ahí :o)

  3. Thanks to you! For the topic and for your beautiful and true answers!

    Have a nice day...
    Big hug :)

  4. Now you are talking sista- I love it! I am going to take a page from your book and print this out "Just make it simple and enjoy the details" xo

    PS I love the tat too!

  5. Wonderful topic, illuminative thoughts, lovely smile, gorgeous tattoo font and beautiful decoration! :o)

  6. These are beautiful!
    I will post some positive too soon:))
    for you,xo

  7. Great post and you are so right about all three points.

  8. La que más me gusta es la de la niña, es una monada. Si tienes un problema a veces pensar en la solución más sencilla es lo adecuado y casi siempre la mejor. Un beso

  9. She's cute :)

    Yes that's what my dad told me once: Keep it Stupid Simple. I think about that a lot.

    Great theme Ibabe!

  10. Great photos and thoughts. The little girl is a cutie. I like the script of the tattoo and the words, but I'm too conservative to put it on my arm. It looks great on her though.
    I've not heard of that catalog/magazine, but I really like the holders and the stilllife made up of them.
    Any more, when I'm getting frazzled, I stop and think about how I can simplify what I'm doing. I tend to complicate things. My husband keeps telling me, "Keep it simple!" Great advice!

  11. Esa es la clave de la vida, disfrutar de lo inmediato, como cuando éramos niños... como esa niña tan potxola que has fotografiado. A veces nos enredamos en demasiadas historias que nos quitan la energía.

  12. yes those two work quite nicely! keep it simple and mind the details!

    gorgeous tattoo! if one must have one......

  13. this is why sometimes I can't find the answer: I don't know whether to enjoy the detail or the big picture!

  14. aw, how i enjoy the fact you find your own theme difficult... quite an axercise, huh? ;)))

  15. I love that tattoo!

    I'm working hard on keeping it simple, without losing site of the many beautiful details of life.

  16. Beautiful tatoo, so poetic ! Beautiful smile, innocent&happy !

  17. me encantan las fotos, el tatoo y sobretodo la idea... es algo para tenerlo siempre presente, gracias!

  18. I took a long bath. Finally added the link to You:))
    Hugs and going back to add a song,

  19. very nice post ... like the tattoo very much.

  20. I ♥ the tatoo message ... happy week end !!

  21. Love the tatoo!This one is anothe one of my favorites: http://www.flickr.com/photos/xtrapop/976350208/sizes/z/in/faves-cosycactus/
    I have considered getting this one tatooed (tatood?). Maybe some day I will be brave enough :)

  22. Beautiful and moving post. Thank you!


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