
Corner view: The colours of January

Colours of surviving roses.
Bizirik dirauten larrosen koloreak
Colores de rosas supervivientes.

Colours of green and foggy mornings. 
Goiz behelainotsuen koloreak.
Color de mañanas verdes y con niebla.

Colours of rain drops in empty playgrounds.
Euri tanten kolorea umerik gabeko jolasparkeetan.
Color de gotas de lluvia en parques vacíos.

Colours of incredible mornings.
Egunsentien kolorea.
Color de increibles amaneceres.

15 comentarios:

  1. incredible morning!!
    exquisite Ibabe!

  2. Lots of colours...of you know where to look! And you do :)

  3. I am not a morning person, but I would become one for views like that!

  4. Qué bonito amanecer!! Aquí no puedo ver el horizonte :(

  5. What an amazing sky! Beautiful way to start the day.

  6. it's good to start the day by seeing such a beautiful sky.

  7. so pretty colors up in your corner :)

  8. Such wonderful colours Ibabe! Our corner of view is very white right now, heaps of snow. Enjoy your happy colour Ibabe and have a great day! Best Mette

  9. Don't you just love those mornings? We rarely get them in winter, but if we do, I really relish in them.

  10. I love the pic of the incredible morning. It is so wonderful.

  11. i had a morning like that too!! incredible indeed!!
    i like your photo's!

  12. it's a new rose bud! I have one too on my bushes, which is totally unseasonable, but so nice to see!


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