
Corner view:rain with another perspective

In this moment I am quite...well today rain will fall in the other sence...with another perspective.
Momentu honetan, zera...beno, euria gaurkoan beste modu batera eroriko da...beste perspektiba bategaz.
En este momento, estoy...bueno, hoy la lluvia caerá en otro sentido...con otra perpectiva.

It is imposible to rotate the photos...imposible not to fell cold today. Imposible not to look around and see how rain can be something so inspiring....
Ezinezkoa egin zait argazkiak mugitzea...ezinezkoa gaur hotzik ez sentitzea. Ezinezkoa ingurura begiratu eta nola euria hainbeste gauza inspiratzen dituen....
Ez imposible girar las fotos...imposible no sentir frío hoy. Imposible no mirar alrededor y ver cómo la gente encuentra en la lluvia un mundo de inspiración....

Look around...sorry for being a bit out...studying again, working and trying. Will take a time.

19 comentarios:

  1. i love that you did both corner views in one !

    My corner view is ready for viewing now too ...

  2. what a fantastic corner view double! love it!

  3. I sens you courage to work, And I like the rainy perspective. Great idea, one more time!
    Big French hug ;)

  4. I like your creativity of rain and perspective. Two for the price of one! Sending you big hugs. xo

  5. love the double CV... it's always so fun to see what combinations come from doing a duo. good luck with your work and enjoy the rainy state of mind!

  6. I know how that feels.
    Hope things look brighter tomorrow!

  7. Good luck with your studies, work, and rotating photos:)
    PS what are you studying?

  8. These are really fun!
    I think we need to see from a different perspective more often, and you're right about the rain, it's inspiring, except today it feels very gray here...hmmm, maybe I will imagine to draw your playful shapes on the windows, or overlay them right on to the rain.

    Take care with your work,

  9. lleva tanto tiempo lloviendo que me parece que no va a hacer bueno nunca más, es como en la peli Blade Runner. Que tristura!

  10. I think you've met next week's topic already as well! Cute!

  11. Hey! Studying again?! Does this mean you are making some changes? Good luck with studying and handling your time schedule!

  12. Happy studying and happy weekend :)

  13. Hello there, thanks for visiting my blog! It is so nice to meet you. Wish you all the best! Monika

  14. Lovely corner view! I like rain .. it's always inspiring me.

    Hope you enjoy your weekend!

  15. Ibb, goodmorning, how are you?
    will it take much time?


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