
Begining. Hasten. Comenzando

The begining. The begining of a blog. Of a new project. Of something...
Hasiera. Blog baten hasiera. Proiektu berri baten hasiera. Zerbait bereziaren hasiera...
El principio. El comienzo de un blog. De un proyecto nuevo. De algo especial....

6 comentarios:

  1. bonita foto de comienzo de blog, muchos animos, es una buena idea,zorte on , muxus aitor

  2. Great taste on photos, but I miss your texts filling the blog up with your crazy ideas.

  3. Let me some time and all will be filled...Some time please

  4. Lovely photos,Ibane, it will be a great blog!

  5. Ezer hasteko era ezin hobea... itsasoari begira...
    Pospolo kutxarena oso polita iruditu zait, joango gara kuxkuxeatzen zer gordetzen duzun ba...

  6. I always like to read the first entry of a blog. Your photo is beautiful. I look forward to reading more. xoxo


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