
Live must go on

On friday I had a talk with my boss. He was thinking about giving me a goodbye...Apart from the reasons, the bad moments, the all time thinking, the bad temper...I continue working. Maybe it is not be best I need in this moment, but it will pay the bills.
Ostiralean hizketaldia izan nuen nagusiarekin. Agur esatea pentsatua zeukan...arrazoiez aparte, pasatako momentu latzez aparte, egun guztian pentsatzen egoteaz aparte, humore txarra...lanean jarraitzen det. Agian ez da behar nuena, baina sorrak ordaintzen ditu.
El viernes tuve charla con el jefe. Estaba pensando en decirme adiós...a parte de los motivos, de los malos momentos, del mal humor, de estar todo rato pensando en ello...sigo trabajando. Tal vez no sea lo que necesitaba ahora, pero paga las facturas.

A friend of mine and her girlfriend are taking a year off to travel. A year clying in South and Middle America. So I went to say them bye....and die of envy.
Nire lagun batzuk urte bat libre hartzen dute. Bidaiatzeko. Urte oso bat Hego eta Erta Amerikan bizikletan. Agur esatera joan nintzen eta enbidiaz hiltzera.
Un amigo y su chica se cogen un año sabático. Un año entero para pedalear por Sur y Centro América. Así que fui a decir adiós....

So I had a weekend out near Zaragoza.
Beraz astebukaera Zaragoza inguruan pasa nuen.
Así que pasamos el fin de semana cerca de Zaragoza.



Just keeping in mind, my friends, the moments with them....just hoping them a great time and waiting for them to be back.
Buruan pasatako uneak gordez, lagunak, hizketaldiak, barreak....ondo izan daitzen itxaroten, eta laister bueltan egon daitezen esperoan.
Recordando los momentos con ellos, las risas, las conversaciones...esperando que lo pasen bien y que el tiempo vuele para tenerlos de vuelta.

19 comentarios:

  1. Maybe it's time to change... to go !! Don't be afraid, I'm sure everything is gonna be all right for you. I cross my fingers. Bises

  2. jo, vaya planazo el de tus amigos, qué envidia!

  3. "Just keep in mind" : lesson of living.

    I wish you a French "bon courage" and send you a lot of sunny and friendly thoughts.

  4. whenever you feel like dying of envy, beware. this might the (turning) point at which to consider a leap into the unknown, believe and see what happens! ♥
    bon courage indeed.

  5. Good luck with your job situation, I hope everything will be alright!

  6. espero que las cosas del trabajo se pongan mejor, por lo pronto y como bien dices al menos se pagan las facturas!

    esos bocadillos me hicieron agua la bica!
    un beso!

  7. What's that tall open sandwich you ate?
    I hope you'll be able to do some traveling yourself - maybe you could save up towards that - leaving the known and exploring the unknown can be very refreshing!

  8. sounds wonderful for your friends. and as you say, your work pays the bills and hopefully things will get better eventually :)

  9. Mucha suerte, al menos te queda un ciudad preciosa por la que pasear.

  10. I like what Cabrizette said. Sometimes it's good to take chances and change things up. Though in the meanwhile I am sending you positive thoughts, and hoping that things turn around for you soon. Hang in there!

  11. Maybe there might be a point down the road on your friends travels you can hook up with them from time to time. Hang in there my friend. BIG hugs coming your way. xo

  12. Your days from the photos look like mini get-aways. Hope you can take the time you need for yourself.
    The food in the picture looks intriguing, can I meet you in virtual reality and share a treat, I`ll bring some choco*)))
    Lots of love,

  13. Very hard moment, I am so sorry for you Ibb.
    We said in french "faire bon vent contre mauvaise fortune" - Find the optimistic side in the life. You need peace and rest for yourself. xxx Mulot

  14. hope that work gets better for you...or you find a way to travel soon. love your photos.

  15. dear Ibb,
    i send to you my thoughts and my wishes for all that shall prove to be right and best
    take care of you

  16. What a sad news ... sending you warm thoughts from here (even if it is -10°C today !!). I am working on your little parcel ...

  17. Oh, poor thing... But remember- you will learn always later that the bad thing was really a good one...Sounds banal but...
    Many hugs from cold north - 20C today

  18. Un año sabático! que maravillaaaa!!

  19. q envidia da lo del año sabático...
    quién pudiera!


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Mila esker etortzeagatik
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